Saturday, September 13, 2014


This blog is being created as a requirement for IT740: Interactive Instructional Media as part of a doctoral program in Instructional Technology and Design at The University of Southern Mississippi. As an educator, it is always helpful to have many resources available with which to enhance curriculum and learning. Via this course, I will be able to experience many different Web 2.0 tools that will both interest and engage students as they develop 21st Century Computer Literacy skills in an effort to prepare for the future and the technical careers that are now available. Too many times teachers try to use the same teaching methodology that has been used in the past without regard to the new innovations to which the digital natives of today are so accustomed. Today's students demand more engaging learning options with the ability to be creative and receive almost immediate feedback. As an instructional designer, I see it as my duty to make certain that teachers are prepared to introduce new learning tools inclusive of, but not limited to the Web 2.0 tools. There is a great divide between teachers who can "use" technology and those who can "share" technology in an appropriate and meaningful way that will promote student engagement and comprehension. I do believe that all students can learn and will learn if given the right opportunity and the proper tools.


  1. I too was excited about learning new Web 2.0 tools to use in my own classroom and to share with my colleagues. I agree that there are many teachers who do not change their methodologies or technology in their classrooms. Today's students do require use of technology. It is a disservice to not implement technology in today's learning. I understand that learning these new tools and technologies takes time, and that is something that is scarce for teachers. Hopefully, as new easy to learn technologies become more readily available, more teachers will "share" technology in a way that will promote student engagement and comprehension.

  2. I feel great to choose the course this semester. Though it is not my major course, I've learned a lot, and know better about the teaching career. And I feel the same with you on learning the new technology, the most important thing is to share and use it in an actual class.
