Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Assignment 7: Online Digital Story

VoiceThread was the product that was used to create the digital story, and is sort of a Movie Maker type application. Static pictures, clipart or photos can be used to create the voice thread background, and it can really be on any subject or topic. There is great potential for this application for both
teachers and students in and out of the classroom. This would be an ideal product to use for flipping the classroom because it is something that students can watch at home at their own pace, and then they can make comments or ask questions all the while listening to and watching a presentation. This would help make the mundane lecture much more appealing for students.

Students would also be able to create their own voice threads making it possible for the instructor to assess what they know about a particular subject, object, topic, etc. This would definitely help put a new spin on the typical assignment. An example in my class might be an assignment that requires students to develop an investment portfolio. The students could gather pictures/photos of specific types of investments that they would include in their personal portfolio and share information as to why they chose this option in the voice thread. They would also be required to include a specific number of terms so that it is obvious they know the definitions of pertinent terms and relevant information. Once the voice threads are created, classmates would be required to review a certain number of postings and comment using the different available tools. I believe that this type of assignment would certainly peak the interests of the students and would provide a new and exciting way to share their knowledge.


  1. I like your idea of having students create a Voice Thread for assessment to demonstrate their knowledge of a particular topic. It has been said that students learn a great deal from each other, and I think this is a perfect tool for them to put that saying into practice. I know that I learned some things by viewing the Voice Threads created by those in our class. The option for students to comment on others' Voice Threads provides a great opportunity for collaboration.

  2. Great idea for your voice thread. I need my daughter to watch this presentation. This was one of my favorite tools except for the part where students have to open an account to comment. I also posted a presentation of this on the online component. This tool is extremely useful for those teaching online.

  3. Good job on this tool. This tool is similar to PowerPoint, but more powerful than the mentioned one. Because it adds the feedback and comments for students and instructors to have an interaction together. And the several kinds of the comments options make it more convenient to the viewers.
